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Dissolving ionic or covalent compounds in water

dissolving ionic and covalent compound

First, dissolving is the separating, decomposing, or disintegrating of something into smaller or more basic constituents. For example, dissociation of NaCl in water, dissociation CaCl2 in water and many other ionic compounds, and covalent compounds. Like sugar normally known as sucrose. However, dissolving ionic or covalent compounds depends on the category of substance. Whether ionic compound or covalent compound. Let briefly discus on that now.

Dissociation of ionic compounds

ionic compound They are said to dissociate "when it split into ions" ionic combination, there is a transfer of electrons from one atom(metallic) to another (non-metal). Thus, we have atoms which act a donor of electron and those which act as acceptors of electrons. However, ionic compound result in the formation of positive and negative ions, which are held together by strong electrostatic forces of attraction.

Making it the strongest intermolecular force of attraction between molecules. This attractive force between oppositely charged ions constitute the ionic bond or electrovalent bond.

dissolving sodium chloride in water NaCl

For every ionic compound the molecule is going to break down into individual atoms. Take a look at NaCl. The Na+ion and Cl- ion breaks down into it individual atom. Hence Cl- ion attached itself to the H+ ion in water molecule. Wheras, Na+ cation attract itself to O2- ion.

Moreover, dissolving ionic or covalent compounds obeys the law of attraction. That say "like charge repel opposite charges attract."Moreover, we say that ionic compound is a strong electrolyte. Because it soluble in water/solvent. Therefore , due to the presence of ions the solution can conduct electricity.

Dissolving covalent compounds

covalent compound in covalent combination, there is transfer of electron between atoms. Instead, there is a sharing of paired electrons between the two reacting atoms, in other to attain a stable octet.

dissolving sugar in water. sucrose a covalent compound

For all covalent compound the large compound will break down into small individual molecules. But, the molecules will not dissolve. Like sugar it breaks down into individual molecules containing carbon, hydrogen, oxygen inside the solvent it dissolve.

in conclusion, to learn more on ionic compounds dissociation check this out. ionic compound dissociation

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