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How to draw Lewis structure of any organic compounds

organic elements

First, A Lewis structure is graphical representation based on how valence electron(e-) is distributed around an element or an atom. It shows the arrangement of electron around individual atoms in a molecule or in an element. The “dots” represent number of lone pair electrons distributed around an atom or an element. While, the single, double, triple covalent bond shows the bonding electrons, i.e. electrons that combines with other atoms to make an octet, i.e. satisfied atoms. Hence, for an atom to have an octet configuration it must have a valence state of 8, i.e. the combining power of such an element must be equal to 8.

Secondly, Organic means to derived something from a living organism, i.e. gotten from living thing. Hence, a compound is a substance that made from two or more element, i.e. two or more elements needs to combine chemical to make a compound. So therefore, an organic compound is any compound that contains carbon atoms covalently bonded to other atoms.

Now, organic compounds are made up of carbon, which is the main element. Other elements include phosphorus, halogens, sulphur, hydrogen, oxygen.

Rules for drawing a Lewis structure for organic compounds

This is not a set of rule. But, i love to say it’s a set of rules. In fact, its part of what you have to know. In other, to become a professional at drawing any Lewis structure for any organic compounds. Now, let dive in to it.

  • 1. Carbon atoms likes to form 4 bonds having zero lone pair
  • 2. Oxygen atoms likes to form 2 bonds having 2 lone pair
  • 3. Halogens like to form 1 bonds having 3 lone pair
  • 4. Hydrogen likes to form one bond having zero lone pair
  • 5. Nitrogen likes to form 1 bond having 1 lone pair.
  • Now, we can conclude that a single bonded atom takes 3 lone pair. A double bond takes 2 lone pair. A triple bond takes 1 lone pair. Look at the image for more clearification.

    Lewis Rules

    Lewis structure of organic compounds

    Let quickly look the following organic compounds to see how we can draw their structure. Note, this examples will be shown in the images below them. So therefore, you are to pay full attention to it for better comprehension.

    1. Lewis structure of methanol(CH3 OH): first draw out the alkyl group follow by the oxygen. The then hydrogen. Just combine them in correct order. Then the problem is solved. Also, don’t forget to place the lone pair on each atoms.

    lewis structure of methanol

    2. Structure of ethanal(CH3 CHO) and ethylchloride(CH3 CH2 Cl): keep note that every atom must have their desirable number of bond. Make sure that the central atom have an octet configuration.

    Lewis stucture of ethanal Lewis stucture of ethylchloride

    3. Ethylamine(CH3 CH2 NH2) and dimethyl ether(CH3 O CH3)

    Lewis structure of Ethylamine  lewis structure of dimethyl ether

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